Documentation Tools

Documentation of FPGA systems can be greatly assisted by the many documentation tools available. Here are some examples.

One common theme that unites them is that the diagrams are initially described in code, rather than via WYSIWYG. Possibly this is a technique that only an engineer could love, but there are some distinct advantages to code-generated diagrams.

  • designs are trivially changeable - sometimes changing a WYSIWYG is not too bad. Changing 100 at a time is prohibitive. Code can be put into functions and changed in one place. Code can be search and replaced.
  • style changes are automatic. If you want your diagrams to appear a little different, when you change the style, they are all changed
  • code can be generated. If diagrams come from some data source, they can be created automatically by writing a route to do so.
  • domain specificity. Tools can be created that address very specific needs.
  • code-based diagrams can be interactive

For each tool below, there is an example or two and the code that created it.

Diagramming with SVG.JS

SVG.js is a small library that makes creating SVG diagrams very easy.

var svg_draw = function() {
    var draw = SVG('drawing').size(600, 120)
    var line = draw.polyline( [[75,25],[400,25]]).fill('none').stroke( { color:'#999', width:4 } )
    var line = draw.polyline( [[75,50],[400,50]]).fill('none').stroke( { color:'#999', width:4 } )
    var rect = draw.rect(75, 75).attr({ fill: '#800080' }).stroke( { color:'#600060', width:2 } )
    var rect = draw.rect(75, 75).attr({ fill: '#800080' }).stroke( { color:'#600060', width:2 } ).move( 200, 0 )
    var rect = draw.rect(75, 75).attr({ fill: '#800080' }).stroke( { color:'#600060', width:2 } ).move( 400, 0 )


WaveDrom draws Wave, Register and more diagrams from JSON descriptions.


The Wave diagrams produced can be very helpful understanding and communicating designs.

{ signal: [
  {    name: 'clk',   wave: 'p..Pp..P'},
      {name: 'write', wave: '01.0....'},
      {name: 'read',  wave: '0...1..0'}
    {  name: 'addr',  wave: 'x3.x4..x', data: 'A1 A2'},
    {  name: 'wdata', wave: 'x3.x....', data: 'D1'   },
      {name: 'ack',   wave: 'x01x0.1x'},
    {  name: 'rdata', wave: 'x.....4x', data: 'Q2'},
], config:{skin:"lowkey"}}


WaveDrom also allows easy depiction of registers and protocols.

    {bits: 8,  name: 'Data'},
    {bits: 1,  name: 'Stop'},
    {bits: 1,  name: 'Start'},
    {bits: 1,  name: 'Valid'},
    {bits: 1,  name: 'Ready'},
    {bits: 4 },
], config: {skin:"lowkey", hspace: 800, bits: 12, lanes:1, bigendian: true}

HDElk Diagrams

HDElk (also written by DavidThings!) Was created to draw simple node-port diagrams.

const simple_graph = {
    id: "",
    children: [
        { id: "in", port: 1 },
        { id: "one", ports: ["in", "out"] },
        { id: "two", highlight:1, ports: ["in", "out"] },
        { id: "three", ports: ["in", "out"] },
        { id: "out", port: 1 }
    edges: [
        {route:["three.out","out"], bus:1 }
const just_right_graph = {
    id: "",
    children: [
        { id: "in", port: 1 },
        { id: "one", type:"preprocess", ports: ["in", "out", "extra", "bypass"] },
        { id: "two", highlight:0, color:"#F0F0F0",
            ports: ["in", "out", "extra"],
            {id:"Child1", ports:["in", "out", "extra", "feedback"]},
            {id:"Child2", ports:["in", "out", "feedback"]},
            {id:"Child3", highlight:2, ports:["in", "out"]}
            [ "", "" ],
            [ "two.extra", "Child1.extra" ],
            [ "Child1.out", "" ],
            [ "", "" ],
            [ "Child2.out", "" ],
            [ "Child3.out", "two.out" ]
            ] },
        { id: "three", type:"postprocess", ports: ["in", "bypass", "out"] },
        { id: "out", port: 1 }
    edges: [
        {route:["three.out","out"], bus:1 },


Railroad-Diagram Generator from tabatkins

A small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams, like on Now with a Python port!





ThreeJS - Library based on WebGL. Easy 3D diagrams.


  // create a geometry
  const geometry = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 2, 2, 2 );

  // create a purple Standard material
  const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: 0x800080 } );

  // create a Mesh containing the geometry and material
  mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );

  // add the mesh to the scene object
  scene.add( mesh );

  // Create a directional light
  const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 5.0 );

  // move the light back and up a bit
  light.position.set( 10, 10, 10 );



Javascript-based Code Highlighter

var s = "assign a_thing = another_thing;"

var dp = document.getElementById( "highlight_ex" );
dp.innerHTML = s;



  <textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="codesnippet" name="codesnippet">

var g = { };


    var codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('codesnippet'), {
        mode: "javascript",
        theme: "default",
        lineNumbers: true,
        readOnly: false